Friday, December 5, 2008

What's in a name?

What's in a name? Everything. At the conclusion of the Civil War African Americans were freed from their White owners and were allowed to take last names for the first time in the American South becoming true Americans. Having a last name meant having an identity to call their own. When you think of the name you were given, it is hard to imagine yourself being called by any other name. Growing up I thought my name, Carol, seemed too "old," but that is who I was and who I became. I am Carol. Often times names stir emotion or memories of days gone by; you here the name of the first boy you had a crush on and you smile; the name of the first boy who broke your heart brings back a slight sadness; the name of a bully in school can make your blood boil; names fit people and people fit names.

The time came in my life that I would actually get to pick a name as my alter-ego for the purpose of playing roller derby. It was not an easy choice. I wanted something that defined me and had meaning. I thought of the things that define me as a person; swimmer, brave, risk-taker, dare devil, etc. My friends also thought of the things they knew me as to come up with my name, and out came "Cannonball-Z." Several things go into this name that means so much to me. I spent nearly five years in Japan where I fell in love with the Japanese people and culture which brings in reference number one, "Dragonball-Z" a Japanese Anime character. Swimming also had to be a part of the name because I have swam my entire life and practically have gills, enter reference number 2-Cannonball (you know the thing you do when you jump off the diving board trying to make a huge splash). The Cannonball reference is not only a water reference, but also has to do with the huge splash that I hope to make in the derby world one day. Finally there is the part of me that is daring enough to do things like move to Japan, play roller derby, sky dive in Australia, climb Mt. Fuji twice, snowboard in the Japanese Mountains, fling myself over the 18 meter waterfall in an icy cold river…I am "Ball-Z" as they call me for short. There you have it so many aspects of who I am rolled into "Cannonball-Z" and now someone is threatening to take it away from me.

Today I received an email from Miss Cannon Doll X from a bank tracked derby team in California who is pretty much demanding that I change my name saying it made it through the registry by accident. Well I'm not sure what the exact protocol for these things is being new to the sport, but I do know my name is legal and registered. I have asked the advice of my league to determine whether or not they want me to change my name to prevent any problems with other leagues/derby girls. It is no disrespect to Cannon Doll X as she is no doubt a tremendous derby player and a good person, but my name is my name and it is who I am now. I will change my name if my league feels it is in the best interest of everyone involved-the new name will be "Stripp'd er Name." BUT if I do end up keeping my name I apologize to Cannon Doll X as I mean her no disrespect...I just don't think our names are similar in sound or meaning. I have no idea what her name means to her, but I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with Japanese Anime, swimming or being "Ball-Z." I also doubt we will ever be on the same track being that she plays banked track and I play flat track. I hope that if I do ever meet the famed Cannon Doll X we will have a beer and a good laugh.


Unknown said...

That is such bullshit! Sorry, hate to introduce myself like that, but I did name registry for Houston for two years, and the bullshit I had to deal with over these ridiculous not right. Your problem is just like maybe Catastrophe saying Catazon is too like hers. Never happened, but I too would have called foul if it did.

BTW, your posts remind of how exciting derby was when I started...thanks!

Chris 'Hurt Reynolds' Seale said...

Stumbled into this post randomly, thank you Google... I think you're probably fine. One thing to be aware of is that Cannon Doll X has been skating derby long enough that she probably registered her name back when there were only a few hundred skaters. Now that we're up past, what, fifteen thousand? The registry managers are being a little more lenient on names that are close, but not identical.

If it were a homonym, there'd be an issue, but it is clearly both spelled and pronounced differently. You're probably in the clear.

I say this having once had to change my own derby support dude name, so I can also tell you that, even though it's a drag, if you have to change it's not the end of the world.

Unknown said...

Shenanigans! I call shenanigans!
I take issue with this blog for many reasons. For example after asking "what's in a name?" you go on to state the case for your 3 month old skate name; yet have you asked Cannon Doll X about her 3 year old skate name? I also notice that after calling her out publicly you take the high road and apologize to her saying you mean no disrespect; but DID you apologize to her? Did you really do the honorable thing and continue a private dialogue to go along with this public one? NO, you didn't. Now you have presented only one side of the story to the roller derby world thereby slapping a vet skater in the face for all to see. As fresh meat it is your responsibility to respect those that came before you. I know for a fact that Cannon Doll X has taken the time to approach you twice privately and you have chosen to ignore her reasoning.

SHAME ON YOU. (yes I am wagging my finger)

Be the bigger person privately that you are making yourself out to be publicly. Write her the letter of apology and find the compromise.

Kelly ka-BOOM
Tough Cookies